Saturday, February 16, 2013


When you have a place to go to at the end of the day;that's HOME. When you have people to love; that's what I call FAMILY. And when you have BOTH, then that's a BLESSING. When most of you were protesting, making your voices be heard about "STOP RAPE" campaign, which is something we can put an END to. But DEATH is something else, something I cannot, will not get used to and its something that won't END but I know that DEATH is the END of LIFE and I also believe that it is the beginning of an everlasting life when when you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour. On Thursday morning I received a call around 2am that my niece had passed away and on Friday evening, last night I also received a call from my mom telling that I had lost an uncle.

I love L.O.V.E, and I am grateful that I had and still receiving so much LOVE from my loved ones. LOVE and LIFE has taught me to love those around while they're still breathing the air of life and no when they're gone. I will always love you, may your souls REST IN PEACE.

It was a BLACK FRIDAY but nothing will ever stop me from loving you, you and you. I'm in so much pain right now, but I still love L.O.V.E!

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